Vending Machines Conflict Part III

Economi Impact of Vending Machines

Around 211 A.D., the Romans came to Africa settling on its northern coast, hungry to find treasures, while hoping to colonize the people inhabiting the land. The Spartan colonists in Africa discovered an incredible city, originally founded by the Phoenicians, in present-day Libya called Leptis Magna. Arguably one of the greatest metropolises under the Romans, especially during the reign of Septimus Severus, Leptis Magna is now known as one of the best preserved Roman cities in the world.

The Spartans, eager to spread the Roman Empire in Africa, started to excavate the area for other cities like Leptis Magna. During their journey west towards present-day Mauritania, the Romans discovered the lush northern region of Miwali and were immediately swept away by its surprising hub of social and cultural advancement. Expecting to be encountered by an uncivilized group of people, the Romans were surprised to observe business transactions in the village square, children attending school, and buildings being constructed for various purposes. Seeing both healthy crops and a growing metropolis region, the Romans wanted to settle and expand their thriving empire. After little hesitation, the Sumese of the north welcomed the Romans to their land of treasures. Showering them with fruits and nuts, the Romans quickly saw Miwali as another potential for a great Roman metropolis. The Romans were impressed with how advanced the Sumese people were.

With the bountiful crop of various fruits and vegetables, the Sumese showed the Romans how they made fruit juice. By crushing fruits and vegetables and filtering the pulp through a screen, the Romans were impressed that a delicious juice could be extracted from the fruits and vegetables. The Sumese showed the Romans how to distribute these juices through a valve-release device triggered by inserting a coin. Additionally, the Sumese showed the Romans their coffee vending machine, adopted from stories of Fulahia's machines. Seeing how little effort was required to service a multitude of people, the Romans saw vending machines as a way to industrialize the economy. As a result, vending machines spread all through northern Miwali, not only strengthening the economy, but also increasing efficiency.

The Sumese also shared their farming advancements with the Romans. They taught the Romans all of their farming methods and showed them how to construct the equipment they used to harvest and cultivate the land. The Sumese and the Romans shared a similar philosophy on life: construct tools to make life as convenient and effective as possible. The Sumese were slowly adopting Roman thoughts and ideas, and learning about Roman deities, completely abandoning their Swani faith. The Sumese could not wait to try introducing vending machines again to their southern neighbors with the newfound discovery of how the growth in machines resulted in a surge in the economy. With an already weakened economy, the Rhowi could not justify the so-called economic advantage of these creations, justifying that vending machines would be taking jobs away from the hard-working Rhowi. The Rhowi felt that vending machines were evil since they did not require hard work, effort, and the use of their two hands.


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*Vencoa is an authorized distributor of USI vending machines and is not an authorized distributor of Selectivend products.