Vending Machines Conflict Part IV

Conflict in Miwali

Continuing with our story of vending machine conflicts, read on about the conflict that took place in Miwali. In an attempt to understand the Rhowi people, the Romans spent much time in the southern region of Miwali. Observing their slow-paced and simple lifestyle, the Romans were eager to erect buildings and monuments and teach the Rhowi how to incorporate technology into their lives. With the rapid success of converting Sumese land into a growing and thriving Roman city, the Romans could not wait to begin these changes in the south.

The Rhowi strongly opposed the Romans intruding on their land and lifestyle. Every day, they prayed to the gods that the Romans would give up and leave their country. Every day, they despised the Romans even more. Every day, they despised their neighbor for embracing the changes brought on by the Romans. Every day, the Rhowi people suffered.

While exploring Rhowi land, the Romans discovered an interesting plant called belladonna, otherwise known as nicotiana africana. It didn't take long for the Spartans to discover the soothing power it possessed when burned and inhaled. The Romans began smoking the dried, crushed leaves of the belladonna. Strongly opposing the use of advanced farming to collect the belladonna plant, the Rhowi refused the assist the Romans. Surprised and angered by the Rhowi's reaction, the Romans brought groups of Sumese to tend to collecting and drying the belladonna plant.

Feeling a growing resistance, the Romans decided that the only way to create the metropolis they desired was to take over the Rhowi land with force. While training the Sumese on Roman warfare and war tactics, the Romans planned a small attack to break down the Rhowi. Unequipped with weapons, the Rhowi were unable to fight back and suffered some losses. Relying on their Swani faith, the Rhowi felt that the only way to fight back would be to resist Roman ruling and to stand true to their beliefs. Both the Romans and Sumese were surprised that the Rhowi continued to resist being part of a great empire and decided it was time to take extreme measures.

With the unyielding opposition to adopt the ways of the Romans and the Sumese, the Rhowi grew weak and weary. The Romans saw this as an opportunity to expand their growing empire by introducing vending machines to the Rhowi. Not only were juice and coffee vending machines brought into the southern part of Miwali, but the Romans were able to construct a vending machine that dispensed the belladonna plant for smoking. Vending machines dispensing the belladonna plant proliferated in Miwali and were soon distributed and introduced to surrounding countries. After much resistance, the Rhowi saw how these vending machines were strengthening their economy and creating an easier lifestyle for their people. The Rhowi quickly embraced these vending machines, justifying that it was their gods' way of easing their life of hard work and struggle. Despite their growing dependence on vending machines, the Rhowi were still resistant to Roman rule. Rather than acknowledging that vending machines were from the Romans and Sumese, the Rhowi attributed these machines to their Swani gods, continuing to resist any instruction from the Romans and Sumese.

Upset by the Rhowi's continued resistance, the Romans and Sumese challenged the Rhowi with force, stripping their land of coffee beans and belladonna, controlling the amount of food that was flowing in from the north, and threatening to destroy vending machines. With starvation on the rise and the death rate increasing day to day, the Rhowi began suffering from disease and malnutrition. Unable to grow their own food and unwilling to give in to the Romans, the Rhowi continued to rely on their faith of the Swani gods. The Romans and the Sumese began destroying vending machines. Though the introduction of vending machines brought steady growth to the Rhowi's economy, the destruction of these machines resulted in a devastating plunge. All the while, the Romans and Sumese thrived in a great Roman city with buildings, food, and education. They worked together constructing weapons and farming equipment. They even contributed to spreading their vending machines, along with coffee and belladonna, to the citizens of Leptis Magna.

Southern Miwali grew poorer and poorer and the Rhowi found themselves in a situation worse than ever before. The Rhowi demanded the return of their economy and vending machines, and the removal of the Sumese and Romans. Although the Romans withdrew, the Sumese continued to dominate the Rhowi with force and threat, triggering a civil war in Miwali. The Rhowi pleaded with the Romans to remove the Sumese, but the Romans refused to listen to the cries of the Rhowi due to their earlier resistance. Using the tactics taught by the Romans, the Sumese easily overruled and overpowered the Rhowi.

Though it is unclear what eventually happened in Miwali, it can be assumed that the Rhowi became a forgotten group of people, remembered primarily by the starvation and suffering they experienced. Though the Romans and Sumese developed an amazing metropolis, it was nothing compared to Leptis Magna, and there seems to be very little evidence today of a once-thriving city in the country of Miwali, near present-day Libya and Egypt. There are few accounts of how the Roman city in Miwali fell. Some assume that it was conquered; others assume that there was eventually an upheaval by the Sumese; while others believe that the Romans and Sumese caused their own fall from power.


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